Thursday, March 29, 2007


Welcome to Engineering Faith. This is where I plan to post my thoughts on both scientific philosophy and my faith in Jesus the Christ. The reason I am blogging on this subject is that my faith journey has been heavily influenced by my understanding of science.

My first few posts will outline how I believe the Bible outlines the scientific thought process. I will be including a quick overview of the best visual tool I have found to communicate this, namely the Necessary Condition Thinking portion of the Theory of Constraints Thinking Processes (first introduced in It's Not Luck by Eli Goldratt).

I plan to post at least once a month (normally more often) about issues that have both a science and a faith element to them. I know we can't create faith on our own. Paul said in Eph. 2:9-10 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast". Yet God also speaks to us using a definite logic. When we can understand and apply that logic (which is also a gift from God), we learn to trust what God tells us. I call this process Engineering Faith.